Whoa! A very significant topic for me ~
I would call the members of the congregation Brother/Sister "First Name" (e.g. Brother Jason, Sister Karen...etc) when I conducted question and answer parts at the meeting. Some of the members of the congregation came up to me and told be that they liked to be called in such a way and that it felt warm and family-like.
Well, one elder in particular (former Bethelite and missionary) couldn't contain himself and would have none of that. He call me in the back and counseled me with the same Watchtower article as Blondie quoted above. He even accused me that I didn't love Christ's brothers because I wouldn't follow their directions.
I had him read Hebrews 13:23 and told him that was my Scriptural basis for using the first name after saying "brother/sister".
He grimaced and sat there silently. He never liked me again.
This form of legalism was the start for me to fade and leave the WT.